A holistic detox

The word detox often brings to mind fasting, juice cleanses and restricted diets. A one-dimensional focus on a physical cleanse and a restricted diet for a short period of time. This is a more short-term approach to a detox.

Although this style of detox has its place, as a naturopath, I prefer to take a more holistic approach, looking at the individual as multi-dimensional, made up of mind, body and spirit, to ensure we support the whole individual. Diet, thoughts, emotions, physical activity, and lifestyle all feed into the bigger picture of one’s health. If the end goal is to establish sound health, wellbeing, and balance, we can create real change for the long term by considering connectedness, the whole person and taking a more holistic approach to detoxification. A detox can be as much of a cleansing and a ‘letting go’ as it can be a deeply nourishing and nurturing experience. Below are my top 5 tips to guide you towards a more holistic detox, supporting mind body and spirit and some of of my favourite blends to support can be found here

1. Set your intention
Become clear on what you want to achieve from your detox. For some of us, this my look like a fresh start, an overhaul or a letting go of the old and welcoming a new chapter of health. For others it may be a simple refinement of diet and bringing in some herbs, dietary alterations, or lifestyle changes to support the detoxification process. Either way, we will achieve a greater result if we consider all parts of us, including our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Once you know what you want to achieve, you can tailor your detox to suit your goals and intentions.

2. Start small
When we start small, setting ourselves small but achievable goals, we reduce the feeling of pressure or overwhelm that we may feel from big goals and we are more likely to stick to some of these positive changes we want to make. You may simply start by eliminating the foods or habits that don’t align with your goals, intentions or serve you any longer. You may replace these with practices, foods, and support that aligns with your intention and your journey towards greater health and wellness.

Look at what you are bringing into your diet that doesn’t nourish your body. This may look like reducing coffee, sugar, alcohol, dairy, even stress and the exposure to toxins. You may swap out cleaning products for natural alternatives to reduce your exposure to chemicals. You may set up a space in your home to exercise, stretch or meditate which makes it easy to bring this daily ritual into your detox routine. It doesn’t need to be complicated and often the simpler we keep it, the easier it is to stay committed.

3. A diet and lifestyle detox
The human body is naturally equipped with organs such as the liver, kidneys, and skin to help detoxify. However, with an increased toxic load, the challenge for these organs to do their job becomes greater. By focussing on assisting the body to naturally detoxify, we can support the vital cleansing process. 

There are many simple ways we can support the detox process including remaining hydrated. Drinking adequate filtered water and reducing coffee and alcohol which dehydrate the body, will help flush toxins out. If you find it difficult to drink enough water, you may like to introduce either hot or cold herbal teas. Certain herbs have also traditionally been used to support detoxification, such as dandelion root, schizandra, St Marys thistle, and ginger.

Making small changes to our diet can have a big impact on our health. When we focus on clean, wholefoods and we become more mindful of limiting our intake of processed foods, sugar, alcohol, coffee and foods we intuitively know don’t feel good to us, the result is usually a more nutrient dense diet, which helps our body build, repair and thrive.

Leafy greens rich in chlorophyll and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, and cauliflower, contain nutrients that offer great benefits which naturally support liver detoxification. By bringing in a colourful range of vegetables we ensure we offer our body a wide range of nutrients. Wholefoods rich in fibre help the elimination of toxins, such as oats, beans lentils, fruits and vegetables. These foods will naturally help the detoxification process.

Exercise allows for the movement and elimination of toxins, swimming, running, walking, yoga, pilates, it doesn’t matter which you choose, just ensuring you regularly move your body is an important part of detoxification and overall wellbeing. As well as supporting detoxification, exercise also supports circulation, lymphatic flow, strengthening muscles, improved mood and increasing flexibility to name just a few benefits.

4. Detoxing mentally
We can implement a mindfulness practice or physical exercise, such as yoga, or meditation, to help quiet our mind and reduce mental clutter. This practice may help us to stay present in the moment and allow space for us to focus on thoughts we want to give our attention to, filtering out those that no longer serve us.

 As life is busy and our minds are often cluttered and excessively stimulated, it can be helpful to set aside time (even just a few deep breaths) to allow space to help calm a busy mind, process old thoughts, and reduce the mental load we often carry. We can support the mental detox process by implementing a simple breathing exercise, practicing meditation, yoga, and ensuring adequate nourishing sleep. When we sleep, our brain and central nervous system clears out toxins, that accumulate through the day. A good guide is eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. We developed a Sleep tea which is based on herbs that have traditionally been used to support the nervous system and support a deep restful sleep. Avoiding screens and bright lighting before sleep will help ensure your mind can switch
off without excessive stimulation.

5. A Spiritual detox
By introducing a spiritual practice, suited to us, such as meditation, reiki, breathwork, or yoga, we can work on letting go of old patterns, beliefs, thoughts or traumas that no longer serve us. In this letting go, we are able to move forward in closer alignment with our personal, spiritual path, our true sense of purpose, our connection to our higher self. Taking time out to assess what serves us and what may no longer align with us. Listening to our intuition, our inner guide and moving along a path that carry’s us towards greater unity within ourselves. Alignment of spirit will manifest as a feeling of health, wellbeing, and vitality. It comes from taking time out to allow the unfolding, the detoxing or letting go and making space for the new.

Detoxing the body, letting go and cleansing, is not about a quick fix or fad diet. It is a holistic approach to sustainable practices, consistent diet and lifestyle choices, which lead to greater health outcomes and support the body’s natural ability to detoxify. Keep it simple, don’t over complicate it. Carefully consider the foods you eat or don’t eat, keep physically active and carve out time to take care of your mind and spirit, nurturing your whole being. As you gently detox, you will let go of the old that no longer serves you and make way for the new that aligns perfectly with your goals and intentions.
Wishing you health and wellness,
Emma x

Founder and Naturopath