Autumn Health

As the transition begins from Summer to Winter, Autumn is often a time that allows us the space and the freedom to change pace and begin to slow down. Perhaps this is not so much about doing less, perhaps it is about opening up the small spaces between the doing, or replacing time once spent doing less meaningful tasks, with more holistic practices, more allowing and unfolding into moments, to simply be still and present.

With many people feeling exhausted, run down and burnt out, by the dramatic events of last year, it is perhaps more important this year, than ever before, to take guidance and direction from nature. To listen to that which is happening around us and to take note of the changes that are occurring. To question where our time is best spent and to prioritise giving back to ourselves, so as we can give to others. Perhaps if we look to nature to guide us through seasonal transitions, we will be carried towards what we truly need most. I believe nature knows exactly what we need, sometimes more so than we do, constantly striving for our survival, and putting us first. Like a Motherly figure, she continues to provide us with everything we need and asks very little in return.

So as the temperature begins to cool down, perhaps we are being guided to slow down, to go within and to nourish ourselves and others with wholesome, healthy, hearty foods, to re-centre, find alignment and focus on supporting our health, and the health of our home planet.

Whether you choose to grow your own produce, or purchase fresh produce locally, it is important to work with what is in season. This will help ensure we are providing our body with the most appropriate foods for this time of year. This approach to nurturing one’s self is of utmost importance to ensure optimum health, as we enter the cooler, often more challenging months for our immune system. Autumn welcomes a diverse range of seasonal vegetables such as carrot, cauliflower, potato, zucchini, pumpkin, wild mushrooms, silverbeet, sweet potato, celery, beetroot, pumpkin, and broccoli.

This season calls for a range of wholesome legumes, quinoa, chickpeas, and whole grains. Fruits including apples, figs, pears, melons, grapes, bananas, dates, paw-paw are also in season in warmer parts of the country. If these fruits feel too cooling, try poaching or stewing the fruit to support ease of digestion. The rhythms of nature were once easier to hear than they are now. When we were less busy and things moved slower and, it was easier to stay in balance. But now we need to consciously slow down and pause, to re-centre and to listen. I believe herbs offer a grounding and nurturing food source, that we can weave through our diet, via the meals we create and the teas we drink. Sometimes when we pause and check in with our health, we see exactly what we are most in need of. Autumns’ cooler weather provides an opportunity to welcome warming, invigorating spices into our diet, to support circulatory stimulation and to ground us. Spices such as ginger, star anise, turmeric, pepper, and cinnamon can help support healthy circulation, aid digestion and ground us.

Although the weather may be cooler, it is important to continue to embrace the outdoors and remain active. Perhaps it’s about investing in appropriate clothing to ensure you are warm and comfortable, so as there is less resistance between you and the elements and more of an embrace. Physical exercise outdoors is a great way to remain grounded and connected to nature and of course a wonderful way to keep warm.

The following suggestions offer a guide to which teas are most suited to Autumn and the transition into winter.
Vitality Tea
Turmeric tea
Chai tea
Earl Grey
Golden Spice
As we reflect on the season that has past and prepare for the new beginnings this next season holds, may we embrace Autumn and the changes it brings, taking great care of ourselves and one another.