Respiratory Tea

You will love our Respiratory tea if...

if you are seeking a gentle and soothing blend of herbs which have traditionally been used to help reduce the severity of a cough or cold.

What is in our Respiratory tea?

Our naturopath has carefully selected this blend of organic herbs, to offer support for the respiratory system. Herbs used in this blend including echinacea, elderflower and turmeric, have traditionally been used to help protect and soothe the lining of the respiratory tract, reduce the duration and severity of a cough, or a cold and support healthy respiratory function.

Our ingredients for this blend are sourced from Egypt, India, Indonesia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and China – and hand packed with care, by us, in Victoria, Australia.

Learn more about some of the ingredients

Elderflower – Sambuccus Nigra

Traditionally used to treat the common cold, fever, flu, sinusitis, hay fever.

Peppermint – Mentha Piperita

Helps sooth the respiratory tract, and acts as a decongestant to reduce mucous and congestion.

Ginger – Zingiber Officinale

A warming, anti-inflammatory, circulatory stimulant that has traditionally been used to help reduce fever, and relieve symptoms of a cold.

Echinacea – Echinacea Purpurea

Immune modulating, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory. Echinacea activates immune cells to respond to infection, and has traditionally been used for the treatment or prevention of upper respiratory tract infections.

How do you brew Respiratory tea?

Loose leaf

Place a heaped teaspoon (2.5 grams) of tea per cup (250ml) into a teapot or infuser. Add filtered water at 75°C – 85°C and allow to infuse for 3–5+ minutes. Strain the tea and serve.

Pyramid tea bags

Place 1 pyramid into a cup (250mL) and add filtered water at 75°C – 85°C. Allow to infuse for 3 – 5+ minutes, and then remove the bag and serve.

Does Respiratory tea contain caffeine?

Respiratory tea is a caffeine free blend and can be enjoyed any time of the day.

What is our packaging made from?

The clear pouch that holds our Respiratory tea is not made from plastic. It is made from a renewable plant-based cellophane, which can also easily be home composted and will break down in a few short months if composted correctly.

The cardboard is made from post-consumer recycled board, is printed with vegetable-based inks and can also be home composted after use where it will break down in a few short months if composted correctly.

Our pyramid tea bags are also not made from plastic. They are made from a biodegradable, non-GMO, plant-based material called Soilon, which meets all compostability standards in Japan, North America and Europe. However it is important to note, they will definitely take longer than other compost items to decompose. The material manufacturers recommend commercial composting as a quicker alternative to address this longer time of breakdown.

If you are looking for the most environmentally friendly option, we will always recommend drinking loose leaf tea.