Love Tea & Breastfeeding

Maintaining a healthy breast milk supply naturally

We recommend taking a holistic approach to your health, when trying to increase milk production. A wholesome and healthy diet rich in nuts and seeds, grains and fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables, is essential to healthy milk production.

It can be hard to find the time to prepare healthy meals with a new little baby in your life, so coming up with quick and easy snacks and meals is important. Preparing snacks in advance can save you time and ensure you don’t have to continually prepare food throughout your day. Bliss balls, or a wholesome nut slice, are great to have on hand. Making a smoothie or a fresh juice is simple and quick, yet super nutritious. Meditation, yoga and exercise are great ways to give back to your mind and your body, as it carries you through this challenging and demanding time.

Our breastfeeding tea has become one of our most popular products, and we have had an extremely positive response from breastfeeding women who have used this product to support healthy lactation. This blend has specifically helped women suffering from poor lactation, to increase their milk supply, and helping maintain healthy milk supply ongoing. Herbs used in this blend have also traditionally been used to support the baby’s digestive system, especially if they suffer from digestive issues, as the herbs used in our breastfeeding tea can also help with colic.

What is breastfeeding tea?

Breastfeeding tea is a herbal tea blend, that has been designed by our naturopath to specifically support lactation and healthy breast milk production. It contains organic herbs that have traditionally been used to support healthy lactation.

Is breastfeeding tea safe?

As with everything during pregnancy and breastfeeding, we have designed our blends to generally be of benefit to most women, but each individual’s state of health is unique, and we trust that the individual will avoid any herbs, tea, or ingredients which may not be appropriate for their state of health and well-being.

We recommend drinking 1-3 cups of Breastfeeding tea per day.a

What are breastfeeding tea ingredients?

Our Breastfeeding tea was designed by our naturopath and is based on a group of herbs called herbal galactagogues, including fennel, fenugreek and caraway seeds, which have traditionally been used to support healthy lactation. Aniseed, lemon balm and fennel also offer digestive support for both mother and baby and have traditionally been used to help treat colic and digestive complaints. This blend is certified organic, caffeine free and completely free from any flavours and sweeteners and we don’t use any ingredients which are not natural.

Will breastfeeding tea help to increase milk supply?

As breastfeeding is the best source of nutrients for a new baby, we believe in supporting healthy lactation, to ensure breastfeeding is as simple and as easy as possible. If there are issues and complications with milk production, we believe the best place to start treating these, is by addressing the underlying cause and to do so as naturally as possible. This is why we have created a breastfeeding tea which offers a natural and organic option for women wanting to increase milk supply or to help maintain a healthy ongoing supply. This blend has been designed by our naturopath and is based on natural herbs, called galactagogues, which have traditionally been used to support healthy lactation. This product has had amazing results and has helped many women to breastfeed their babies naturally.

Breastfeeding tea to help with colic?

Specific herbs have traditionally been used to help reduce colic in infants and support healthy digestion. Fennel and lemon balm have traditionally been used to help support healthy digestion and to help reduce colic in infants. These herbs are traditionally given to the Mother, so as the health benefits can be passed onto the baby via her breastmilk. We have included these herbs in our breastfeeding blend, to naturally support the digestive health of the baby, whilst also supporting the mother's milk production.

What other tea is safe to drink whilst breastfeeding?

If you are breastfeeding, our Chamomile, Lemongrass and Ginger, Peppermint, Calming, Rooibos, Caffeine Free Chai and Turmeric tea are a few blends you may also enjoy. These teas are all caffeine free and additional details on each blend can be found by clicking on each blend listed above.

How much does breastfeeding tea cost?

For your convenience, we offer our breastfeeding tea in both pyramid tea bags and loose leaf. The price starts at $13.00 for a 75g box of loose leaf, which will provide around 25 serves of tea and a large box with 250g for $36.00. We understand that sometimes it’s hard to find time to brew a pot of tea whilst caring for a little one, so we also have boxes of 20 Breastfeeding pyramid tea bags for $13.00 and a box of 50 for $29.00

Where can I buy breastfeeding tea?

The Love Tea range is sold throughout more than 250 stores Australia wide and we also supply select spaces internationally. There is also a detailed stockist locator on our website, which you can find here. You can also purchase the full Love Tea pregnancy range, including our Breastfeeding tea on our website here.