Love Tea & Fertility

Can fertility tea help me get pregnant?

Our organic fertility tea has been thoughtfully created by our in-house naturopath, to assist you on your pregnancy journey.

You may find yourself doubting whether tea can help you to conceive, just as every individual has a unique constitution and a different state of health, a woman’s pregnancy journey can be just as unique. To begin your journey into motherhood, our naturopath has designed a fertility blend, which helps to support natural conception and increase your fertility potential.

What is in fertility tea?

Our Fertility tea contains the following Certified Organic Ingredients: Chaste tree berry, peppermint, licorice root, shativari, raspberry leaf, red clover and nettle leaf. This delicate blend offers a softly sweet and earthy flavour, with subtle tones of refreshing mint. For your convenience, the fertility blend is available in both pyramid tea bags and loose-leaf tea.

We believe products that are the best for your health are the ones that have no hidden ingredients and no unnecessary additives or flavours. At Love Tea we choose to use high quality, certified organic ingredients, sourced directly from plantations. We believe organic ingredients are a healthier option, that taste better and are better for the environment. Love Tea is also Australian Certified Organic and we choose to use certified Fair Trade ingredients where possible.

How does fertility tea work?

Red clover, chaste tree and raspberry leaf, have traditionally been used to support hormonal balance, regulate the menstrual cycle and support reproductive health. This fertility blend was designed to help regulate the menstrual cycle and assist with natural conception, as a natural alternative prior to attempting IVF treatment.

When to drink fertility tea?

If you’re wondering when to start drinking fertility tea, we recommend starting as soon as you are ready to conceive. We recommend Fertility tea in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle, working with a holistic approach to your health, to ensure you optimize your chance of a healthy, natural, conception. We recommend drinking 2-3 cups of Fertility tea per day and that you stop drinking Fertility tea once conception has occurred.

Is fertility tea right for me?

This blend was designed to assist with natural conception, as an alternative to undertaking IVF treatment. Therefore, we do not recommend using this blend in conjunction with IVF treatment, or with any medications, as the effects on the hormonal system may interfere with IVF treatment or certain medications, at a time when hormones must be strictly controlled and monitored. This blend is also not recommended for individuals suffering from hyperprolactinaemia or raised prolactin levels. Unfortunately, we cannot design blends, which are perfect for everyone’s specific health requirements, as each individual is unique. For this reason, we trust that you will be guided by your own state of health and personal wellbeing and simply use the blends that are appropriate for you.

How to make fertility tea?

Place a heaped teaspoon (2.5 grams) of tea per cup (250ml) into a teapot or infuser. Add filtered water at 75ºc–85ºc and allow to infuse for 3–5+ minutes. Strain the tea and serve. One of the things we really value at Love Tea, is the ritual associated with preparing a pot of tea, we always recommend taking your time and enjoying the process, using this time as an opportunity to relax and practice mindfulness each day.

Alternatively, if you do prefer to use pyramid tea bags, simply add one tea bag to your cup.

When to stop drinking fertility tea?

Once conception has occurred, we recommend you cease drinking Fertility tea. You may then like to try one of the following caffeine-free blends: Caffeine Free Chai, Chamomile, Lemongrass and Ginger, Peppermint, CalmingRooibos and Morning Wellness. Our Morning Wellness blend has been designed to support a women’s health during the first trimester and is based on herbs, which have traditionally been used to help reduce nausea and stabilise blood sugar levels. Peppermint, Cinnamon and Ginger have traditionally been used to support digestive function, reduce nausea, and balance blood sugar levels. Subtle tones of Lemon balm offer nervous system support to help calm your mind and body. This blend is based on certified organic ingredients, it is caffeine free and contains only natural, organic herbs, tea and spice. We recommend 1-2 cups of this blend per day.

Where can I buy fertility tea?

Love Tea has many incredible stockists that have Fertility tea available. There is also a detailed stockist locator on our website, which you can find here. You can also purchase the full Love Tea pregnancy range, including our Fertility tea on our website here.

As with everything during pregnancy, we have designed our blends to generally be of benefit to most women, but each individual’s state of health is unique, and we trust that the individual will avoid any herbs, tea or ingredients which may not be appropriate for their state of health and well-being.

What other things can I do to assist my fertility?

Acupuncture can offer ongoing support for fertility and conception and may also be of benefit throughout pregnancy. Yoga and meditation offer health benefits for the body and the mind, working to help re-balance the individual and support optimum health. Ensuring your diet includes an abundance of mineral rich foods, essential fatty acids and antioxidants will also support natural conception. Bringing fresh juices into your diet is a great way to ensure you consume a variety of powerful nutrients in one meal. Focus on a variety of fruit and vegetables such as beetroot, leafy greens (such as celery, parsley and kale,) turmeric, ginger, apple, carrot and orange. Providing your body with a range of whole grains, antioxidants and nutrients will ensure you set your body up to thrive and create a healthy environment for conception.