Embracing Autumn Wellness

If we pay attention, we can see that transition is occurring all around us.

Just as Mother nature begins her graceful transition towards winter, letting go of old leaves, allowing the previous season to fall away, may we let go of what we no longer need and make room for the new.

Seasonal changes affect our mood, energy and emotions, but by becoming aware and in tune with what this means for us individually, we can implement strategies to help us establish a new rhythm in line with this wonderful season we call autumn. By taking the time to truly listen to how we feel and what we may need we can then look to implement grounding and balancing practices to help us find our centre and reconnect with our true essence.

By supporting our health through this seasonal transition we can set ourselves up to thrive in line with the natural rhythm of life. Bringing a range of wholesome spices into our diet can greatly benefit our body by supporting circulation and reducing stagnation. Some of our favourite foods to include are ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon as they are three powerful herbs that are relatively easy to add into our diet. Shifting our eating patterns away from colder summer foods towards warmer more wholesome vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains can also help keep us grounded and supply our body with the energy it requires to ensure thermo regulation is maintained as the outside temperature begins to fall.

Perhaps, just as vital to good health as the food we choose, is keeping our body moving. Exercise and movement holds a huge range of benefits, but listening to the type of movement our body calls for is also important. Today’s fast moving pace of life often allows little time for our nervous system to shift into the parasympathetic, a slower pace, to breathe and to unfold into a grounded natural space that we need to rejuvenate.


“By taking the time to truly listen to how we feel and what we may need, we can then look to implement grounding and balancing practices to help us find our centre and reconnect with our true essence.”


Yoga, and in particular Yin yoga, offers immense value for the nervous system allowing us the time and space to slow down. It is in this time of slowing down that we are more able to listen to our body and importantly, able to listen to our heart and connect with our true nature.

Being long time fans of Yin practice, we felt it would be beneficial to hear from Angus Knott, an experienced Yin yoga teacher and get his take on staying balanced as we step into autumn.

Learn about Yin yoga with Angus Knott

Coming from Scotland, the season shift between summer and autumn can be so incredibly obvious. The temperature starts to drop, the darkness begins to creep in and the leaves begin to shift through vibrant oranges and reds. Autumn is by far my favourite season back home. Even as a child I remember being amazed by the smell of the air after it had rained, and the piles of leaves becoming a playground of wonder.

Funny, how as a child we appreciate a pile of leaves like that but now as an adult leaves are just an annoyance for our perfectly trimmed unnatural lawns. As we transition to autumn here in Australia I would recommend taking as much learning from the natural world as possible.

The sun rises later and sets earlier. Maybe now is the time for less late nights and slightly later alarms. If later alarms simply aren’t possible, then prioritise an earlier bed time. The trees begin to shed and head towards rest. For you, that might look like reducing your social engagements and prioritising something where you can stop. You don’t have to stop seeing people, but maybe thinking of your time as a precious resource.

Speaking with my Yoga Teacher hat on, a more Mellow Flow practice or the introduction of Yin or Restorative practices even just once a week can begin to mirror the autumnal slowness. However, I will always recommend listening to your own bodies intuition as you know yourself much better than anyone else. Very often I hear people saying they dislike quieter yoga practices.


“As we transition to autumn here in Australia, I would recommend taking as much learning from the natural world as possible.”


And from my experience it is often because outside of the studio their lives are one million miles an hour. The idea of stopping can be incredibly challenging for them. The easiest option is the sweatiest, most intense and fast paced practice because essentially they can burn through it without having to stop or think.

If you can relate to that maybe try and get through a slower class even for a month and see how your system responds. I would also highly recommend just observing the shifting in nature. So many studies support that being in nature soothes and calms us. Barefoot beach walks, forest bathing, ocean swims or simply watching the birds. Notice the air, the water temperature, the light and dark and just how the Earth begins to transition back to a more calm place from spring and summer. Maybe even try jumping in a pile of leaves, who knows.

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